Smart Property In India
  • Im Afsar Ali
  • Showing posts with label Codename five rings price. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Codename five rings price. Show all posts
    Thursday, August 4, 2016

    Codenamer Five Rings Sarjapur

    Rising towards the heights of success, IIM Alumni limited is endeavoring for attaining the finest position in the real estate market with over 17 years of experience. The new emerging company has entered the realty market with the project named Codenamer five rings  which is represents the faultless philosophy of the company. The venture is a residential, luxury and commercial project that is planned and well designed artistically to serve ...
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    Friday, July 29, 2016

    Codename Five Rings Sarjapur Road Bangalore

    A known brand name Codename construction is giving you the best opportunity to own a luxurious home with modern High Class Amenities Project Name Codename five rings. Offering Codename: Five Rings, a township that is deemed to be Bangalore’s biggest sports city Bangalore. Initiated by Clover Mark, this 100-acre community is infra structured designed by the makers of some of the most sophisticated sporting arenas around the world. Codename ...
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